A few months back i wrote on this blog, how to rectify the noisy fan issue of Vaio CS17G. Look here.
Even though the noise reduced considerably, i still got a faint noise intermittently.
I decided to partition my hard disk and install ubuntu. Installed ubuntu 10.4 or lucid lynx and am running it since its beta release. Its been more than a month now and i am very much impressed with this new release. So much so that most of the times i am running ubuntu and i hardly ever needed to revert back to my vista partition. I might have done so only two times in a month.
I have noticed a peculiar thing that whenever i am running ubuntu i never get this noisy fan on this laptop. But if i revert back to vista, within 30 mins this intermittent fan noise starts.
Why this happens?
Because ubuntu runs at a lower temperature than vista on this machine, about 3 to 4 degrees less of CPU temp. It keeps below 50 degrees most of the times. But it is >50 degrees most of the times, if i am running vista.
This could be the reason.
So if you want a permanent solution to the fan noise on Vaio CS it might help, if you switch to Ubuntu.