Sunday, August 3, 2014

Home neck exercises


A large number of people suffer from neck pain. Young people having neck pain has increased since many of them do a desk job now-a-days. More prevalent in persons using laptops.

These exercises are good for them as a preventive measure for 
cervical spondylosis, 
RSI of the neck, 
repeated neck strains etc. 
They are also beneficial in people already suffering from the above to prevent the severity of the condition.

Sit Straight, look straight, slowly bend backwards to look up as much as you can, maintain for 10 sec and come back to neutral. Repeat it a few times. 

To begin with you can start from a count of two or three, gradually increase the count day by day. You can do up to ten counts over a period of time. Same applies to all the exercises described here.

Now slowly bend forwards to look down as much as you can , maintain for 10 sec and come back to neutral.

Sit straight, look straight, slowly bend sideways to make your ear touch the shoulder, as much as you can maintain for 10 seconds and come back to neutral, repeat the same for the other side.

Sit Straight, look straight, slowly turn to sides to make your chin turn towards the shoulder, maintain 10 seconds. Come to neutral and repeat the same for the other side.

Sit Straight, look straight, tuck in chin, as like looking into your pocket without bending your neck. Maintain it for 10 sec and return back to neutral. Do not bring your chin more forwards.

Clasp your hands, put thumbs together, place thumbs under your chin, tuck your chin and gently press your thumbs with your chin, do not let go. Hold it for 10 seconds and gently relax. Avoid jerky movements.

Sit straight, look straight, place your palm on forehead, gently press your palm with forehead, hold for 10 sec and gently relax.

Sit straight, look straight, place clasped hands behind your head, gently press the hands with head, hold for 10 sec and gently relax.

Sit straight, look straight, place your hand on right side of the head, gently press, hold for 10 sec and gently relax, repeat the same for left side.

To stretch the muscle on the right side: Take the right hand back of your body; turn the head towards the left side, look down as much as you can, now place your left hand over the head, gently pull the head down. Stretch has to be felt at the sides of neck. Maintain it for 30 sec and gently relax.  Make sure you don’t shrug the shoulder while stretching the muscle.


To strengthen the right side muscle: Take one arm length of the thera band.
Hold one end of the band in left hand. Fix it with the arm straight and close to the body. Hold the other end of the band in right hand. Pull the band outside and away from the body upwards with right hand, as shown in the figure. Maintain for 2 sec and bring it back to neutral.

Take one arm length of the thera band. Hold one ends of the band with both the hands. Place your legs wide apart. Pull the band in such a way, that the elbows move backwards and squeeze your upper back, as shown in the figure. Maintain for 2 sec and bring it back to neutral.

  • Always consult your doctor before starting the exercises.
  • Don't do the exercises when you have acute pain.
  • Stop exercises if it increase your pain and consult your doctor.
  • Be gentle in the beginning and always build-up slowly.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Full screen zooper widget with note 3 style air command.

This is a full screen zooper widget, i have put together. 
It is a simplistic, functional and single full screen widget.
This widget has all the info: like time, date, battery, wifi/network, weather. It has calendar events, system information, missed calls and messages. I have incorporated a galaxy note 3 style air command dial in to the widget.

There is room on the top left for a simple rss reader widget.

Top right are two folders for google and favorite apps.

Settings: This is on note 2 at 240 dpi.

Nova launcher: grid 10*7, no status bar, no dock bar, no shadows, allow overlap widget.

Zooper widget. Single : re size as required.

Simple rss widget, re size as required.

Works well with darker shaded wallpapers.

Download zooper templet here.
wallpaper here.