Thursday, October 31, 2013

My New Zooper widget : Allin1

Hi i made a zooper pro widget to include most of the essential data all in one. Here it is, a simple widget.
It shows the time, date, place, sunrise, sunset timings, present network, wifi: connected to & strengh, battery: remaining & temp, weather: condition & temperature, RAM: bar & left, uptime and next alarm.
Download the template from here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New conky config showing date, data, weather, calendar and Email : Allin1

Hi all,

This is a allin1, new big conky on my desktop which displays useful data at a glance.

Because the conky weather no longer works, i have used yahoo weather to get the same results.

Here is a screenshot.

You will need a lot of fonts and few scripts to run this successfully. 
Fonts used
  1. Radio Space
  2. hooge font
  3. Poky font
  4. Weather font
  5. OPenLogos font
  6. PizzaDude Bullets font
  7. VariShapes Solid font
  8. StyleBats font
  9. DejaVu Sans
  10. Liberation Serif
Google for them and download free from the sites.

Scripts used:
  1. conkyrcallin1
  3. logo
  4. weather PNGs.
Download the scripts from here.

Logo used:

Download and save the fonts, scripts and logo.
You will need to edit the scripts and change the paths, to make it work.

If you need more info...... for 
Google calendar (gcalcli) go to to know how to make it work.

Yahoo weather : go to Enter your city name or zip in the search weather box. Your weather info page will open. Note down the 7 digit number displayed in the address bar after the city name. You will have to add it to this part of the script, replacing the number with the one for your city.

${goto 920}${execi 300 curl -s ""

Have fun......